About the Author by the Publisher

Mrs. Elizabeth Tuttle was born and reared on a farm in Atchison County,Missouri. She was graduated from a rural school and from high school in Rock Port, MO.
She taught in both rural schools and in the public school system of St. Joseph, MO.
She relates, "On June 28, 1914, the day Gifford and I were married the clock struck thirteen. It was the day Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in Sarajevo by a Serbian student. It triggered World I. We knew only peace, tranquility and the pursuit of happiness until that day. War around the world has been dominant ever since."
The Tuttles moved to Chariton in 1923 and engaged in the retail hardware business, retiring in December, 1958.
The Tuttles moved to Chariton in 1923 and engaged in the retail hardware business, retiring in December, 1958.
Mrs. Tuttle led an adult class in Bible study in the Presbyterian Church for 19 years, engaged in a wide variety of community activities and was named Lucas County "Woman of the Year" in 1973. She began
writing these stories in September 1967.
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